What is an NPS Score?

NPS score

We’re very proud of our NPS score, which is currently 80. And you might see other businesses talking about their NPS, but what in the world is it, and why does it matter?

NPS stands for Net Promoter Score, and is a guide for how happy your customers are, based on how likely they are to recommend you to their friends, family or colleagues.

Have you ever seen this type of question from someone you buy from?

On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend us to your family and friends?

This is the key question that enables us to work out our Net Promoter Score. You can check out how we ask this on our Happiness Survey.

How it works

You’ll be asked to score from 0 to 10,  where 0 is not likely to recommend, and 10 is highly likely to recommend.

An NPS score can be anything from -100 (which is really bad) to +100, which is extremely positive!

Did you know that the average NPS for an accountant is -5?

Amazon’s NPS for 2023 is 25, and Apple’s is 47. Natwest bank is -6.

Source: CustomerGuru

Kinder Accountants’ NPS is 80!

Your score is then split into 3 possible outcomes:

1. Promoters

Scoring 9 to 10. These are your biggest fans, and very loyal. They’ll keep buying from you, and very likely to recommend you to others

2. Passives

Scoring 7 to 8: These are happy customers, but not mega enthusiastic. They’re satisfied, but could easily go elsewhere.

3. Detractors

Scoring between 0 and 6: These are not happy bunnies. They could cause problems if they spread negativity about your brand, and can be demotivating for your team too.

How to calculate your NPS:

  1. Calculate the % of Promoter scores of 9 and 10, as a % of the total scores.
  2. Calculate the % of Detractor scores of 0 to 6, as a % of the total score.
  3. Deduct the Detractor scores from the Promoter scores.

This gives you your NPS.

Worked example:

Let’s say 20 people have responded to your satisfaction survey, asking if they would recommend you.

  • 12 people have scored you 9 to 10 (Promoters). This is 60% of all respondents.
  • 2 people have scored you 7 to 8 (Passives). This is 10% of all respondents.
  • 6 people have scored you 0 to 6 (Detractors) This is 30% of all respondents.

Your NPS is Promoters less Detractors, so: 60 minus 30.

Your NPS is 30 in this example.

How can you improve your NPS?

Check in regularly:

The first thing to do is check in with your customers regularly. Don’t just send a survey once a year.

We find it’s best if we send our Happiness Survey when we’re actively engaged with our clients, or when we’ve completed a piece of work for them.

If your customers volunteer to say something nice about you or one of your team, this is a perfect opportunity to thank them, and ask if you can send them your survey.

Act on feedback:

We have a comments section, so that clients can add any comments on their experience working with us.

Whether the feedback is good or bad, what can you do to act on it?

If it’s something they like, how can you replicate this across your business?

If it’s negative feedback, what can you learn from it? And how can you improve this particular customer’s experience?

If we do have negative feedback, we consider it, and get on the phone to have a chat with our client, and see how we can make things better, and learn.

Always review and refine your customer service:

Your customers should receive exceptional care, not just good or average.

What can you do to make their experience better?

What do you observe when you personally receive good or bad service, and what can you learn from this?

We all have copies of Geoff Ramm’s Celebrity Service, and every new team member is given a copy in their welcome pack.

Geoff refers to bad customer service, and really good. It’s a really useful source for ideas to improve your customer service.

How can your NPS improve your team happiness?

We always make sure we share feedback with the whole team, as often it’s just myself and our client co ordinator managing our NPS and happiness surveys.

It’s so important to share good feedback with everyone, it’s hugely motivating and good to hear.

We have a “nice messages and things” google doc where we add comments clients have made about us or someone else on the team.

We also share our NPS results and any happiness survey responses during our weekly planning meeting.

Now you have your NPS what else can you do with it?

Customer satisfaction is so important. Did you know on average someone shares with 9 people if they’ve had poor customer service, but only 2 people if it’s good service? So you need to shout about it!

Share it all over social media, and on your content and website. It is something to be proud of!

Talk about it with contacts, clients and at networking events.

Another really good question to ask your customers is “who else should we be working with”?

Would you like to work with us, and experience amazing customer service?

We’d love to hear from you.

Check out How We Work, and book a Discovery Call now!

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